Friday 2 March 2012

Trailer Draft 1 (Without Music) & Test Screening

The planning of my characters didn't work out the way I had planned. I was hoping to have a girly girl and a cute looking male, but instead I have a rocky looking girl and a thuggish looking guy. However, I think that their looks do work together for the movie. This happened because the actors I had in mind were no longer available on the days of filming. Nevertheless, I pulled out some other actors and the footage I achieved works well. This is my first draft of my trailer without background music which I am still deciding on.

I am aware that the dialogue from the characters' is very bad quality and you can hear the wind in the background, so if I decide to keep this in my trailer I shall use a voiceover and just mute the clip. However, this will be hard to keep the wording in sync with the actor so I may just stick to either text on the screen or a narrator voiceover.

Test Screening

I showed my first draft of my trailer to my target audience and they felt that the cuts were too long. They feel like the shots should be shorter and snappier, especially at the end of the trailer when it rounds up the footage.

They were happy with the lighting and shots. The inspiration for these is through the questionnaire that I had my focus group fill out, near the beginning of the project. From the questionnaire I knew that the audience would prefer warm and soft lighting, close up shots, a slow pace and simplistic editing techniques in the trailer. Therefore, I have used all of these affects in my project to attract my target audience.

Originally I had planned to use a pretty, innocent, feminine looking girl with a cute looking male. However, this didn't go to plan because the actors weren't available. Therefore, I have used a female (still wears feminine clothes) who is in the middle of her performing arts degree at The University of England, whilst the male is an aspiring actor who has appeared in various MTV music videos. Both of the actors had a rocky look to them so I thought their image looked good together and felt that it would work for the project.

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