Tuesday 3 January 2012

Real Media

Media Talk Podcast: 21/12/11 The Guardian (Notes)

Twitter and the Kindle have really kicked off this year - they have come to maturity. Mass reports about the football are published in newspapers but everyone would already know about it through online media like Twitter. Before Twitter and social sites, the newspaper would be the first people would hear about news so it was all very shocking news. But nowadays, people tend to hear about news through other types of media.

The Kindle has just reached its tipping point. The battery lasts "forever" but it is not touch screen which is a feature that the users wish it had.

The Eye is said to be the newspaper of the year. The Eye is a condensed version of The Independent. The fact that a smaller version of a newspaper is voted to be the best suggests that newspaper readers prefer less pages to read. The Guardian had a good year in 2011 despite the last week of 2011 being blamed to be involved with the phone hacking.

My ancillary task of a magazine cover can be promoted in all media. Magazine cover can be presented on a Kindle.

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