Tuesday 17 January 2012

Sound Cloud


I have signed up to Sound Cloud a new form of technology that I have come across and used. I will be uploading music that I have recorded for my trailer. You can find these tracks in the above post.

SoundCloud is the world’s leading social sound platform where anyone can create sounds and share them everywhere.

Recording and uploading sounds to SoundCloud lets people easily share them privately with their friends or publicly to blogs, sites and social networks.

You can easily share sounds to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Foursquare.

SoundCloud can be accessed anywhere using the official iPhone and Android apps, as well as hundreds of creation and sharing apps built on the SoundCloud platform.

I have recorded some singing and piano music that I may be using in the background of my teaser trailer. The songs I have recorded are She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 and a classical, romantic piano piece by a GCSE music student. I chose these because they fit into the romantic genre.

She Will Be Loved - Kathryn Singing

Romantic Piano Music

Monday 16 January 2012

Background Music Ideas.

Here are some videos I have found on YouTube of styles of music that I am considering to record to play in the background of my trailer.

This is romantic indie music which is similar to the song in the Like Crazy trailer which is also of this genre. This music could be a genre that my target audience listen to in their spare time.

I recorded Kathryn Sunnocks singing this song because it was high in the UK top 40 music charts at the time of producing my product so this shows I have researched popular music of today, which would help attract the audience.

This is a slow, romantic, classical cover of the original indie version by The Calling. Its slow and romantic features help to set the atmosphere in my trailer.

This is one of my favourite piano pieces and is very romantic which would suit the trailer perfectly for the genre.

This is another beautiful piano cover of "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. Similarly to the previous video, it is romantic and slow and is used in the Titanic movie which is something I researched for my trailer planning.

This week I am recording a female singer and a pianist to use for my trailer. I may end up using them both in the trailer, or only one. I am yet to make my decision on this.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Coming to film the actual trailer

I visited this website to find these questions. These are the questions that they ask themselves when producing a film. Examples of their work are Kidulthood, Life & Lyrics and Sweet 16.

Think about - what do films have in common?

- Representation: Are the character types what you expected? Do you see any of then as stereotypical?

- Setting: Is this typical? What other setting might work?

- Mise en scene: How does this work to confirm a sense of realism?

- Themes: What kind of narrative strands would you expect to be explored in these kind of films?

Is there anything else you can think of that might be considered conventional?

Movie Posters

I have looked at each movie poster by all of the trailers I researched.

The lighting and composition are the main features of this magazine cover. I love how the eye is drawn immediately to the character’s faces, and the composition is so minimalistic. Due to the dark theme to the movie, the poster has stayed faithful to this and kept a dark, shadowy feel. There is minimal text but is still clear for the audience to read. I think this poster focuses more on promoting the image and the characters rather than trying to create a focus point on the text.

The alignment of the text on this movie poster is the most important feature here. I love the consistent text making its way down the poster of different phrases to symbolise the feelings that this movie consists. Similarly to the Twilight movie poster, the lighting really finishes the image nicely. The lighting appears to be coming from a strong sun that symbolises love and happiness. Whereas the Twilight poster was all about keeping it dark and mysterious. This movie poster has quite a busy composition, even the image has background focus points which shows where some of the scenes will take place in the movie.

Again, the lighting takes a major part in this movie poster. Similarly to Like Crazy, the sun appears to be coming from a strong sun and they have a setting placed in the background of the image. However the text on this poster is a condensed down a bit. The title stands out in red, taking the colour from the characters’ clothing. The text is placed in the blank space on the poster to fill the frame.

This movie poster is possibly one of the most famous posters in the world. I love the photo editing done on Photoshop where they have blended two images - one of the Titanic ship and one of the two characters. The composition is perfect - the ship’s end points and leads the eye to the characters’ faces whilst the writing is situated in the blank spaces of the ship.

The image is what does it for this movie poster. The text is rather simple in a standard black, clear font which symbolises the idea of a ‘notebook’. The image itself is stunning, showing the audience immediately that the story is about a romance. The rain in the image shows one of the scenes within the movie too. I love how the lighting behind the characters is shining through between their faces.

The colour palette here is yellowy and white which are quite pure colours. The characters are situated on a beach, suggesting the setting and location in the movie. The film logo of “Dear John” is big and bold, standing out from the rest of the small text. The top of the poster is kept simple with only the actor’s names and the rest of the text at the bottom of the poster. I think this divides the composition perfectly.

The grids on this movie poster is the main feature. They have create boxes of different sizes with different images in each one to show different feelings and themes within the movie. The biggest image is of a couple which suggests romance is the main theme within this movie. The text, similarly to Dear John, is yellow with the main words in the title being bold. The rest of the text is white and a lot smaller.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Real Media

Media Talk Podcast: 21/12/11 The Guardian (Notes)

Twitter and the Kindle have really kicked off this year - they have come to maturity. Mass reports about the football are published in newspapers but everyone would already know about it through online media like Twitter. Before Twitter and social sites, the newspaper would be the first people would hear about news so it was all very shocking news. But nowadays, people tend to hear about news through other types of media.

The Kindle has just reached its tipping point. The battery lasts "forever" but it is not touch screen which is a feature that the users wish it had.

The Eye is said to be the newspaper of the year. The Eye is a condensed version of The Independent. The fact that a smaller version of a newspaper is voted to be the best suggests that newspaper readers prefer less pages to read. The Guardian had a good year in 2011 despite the last week of 2011 being blamed to be involved with the phone hacking.

My ancillary task of a magazine cover can be promoted in all media. Magazine cover can be presented on a Kindle.

Women Representation In The Media

78% of news articles written by men
72% of men on question time
84% radio 4's quest are men

Bookers are the main corporates for these statistics due to their 24/7 pressured environment. 5000 women were dropped from broadcasting in the last two years. The BBC have been accused of victimisation.

'woman on the left' - when Hugh Grant was in court about the Levson Enquiry, there was a woman on the left that was flirting with him.


The woman in my trailer is a typical girlie girl, stereotypically prone to romance and happiness who is pretty and wears pretty clothing. There are always these types of girls in romantic movies as they are easier to empathise with from the target audience which are girlie girls themselves. For example, Rose in Titanic, Allie from The Notebook and Savannah from Dear John.

Rose (Titanic)
Allie (The Notebook)

Savannah (Dear John)