Thursday 13 October 2011


As a big fan of romantic films, the Twilight Saga is one of my favourites. However, this romance has a twist by having a violence storyline which broadens their target audience to males aswell as females. The dark music, lighting and setting all work towards the idea of appealing to the male gender. The colour palette throughout the trailer is very neutral and dark using colours such as browns, blacks and whites to signify its dark and mysterious attitudes. The text that is presented on the screen has a black background with a red font which symbolises blood and danger so immediately we get connotations of an action/horror film but because this is the fourth film in the series, they can get away with this with their audience who like the romance side of the movie.

The first shot in the trailer is my favourite. It is a close up shot of a female walking down an echoing corridor in black heels with enhanced diegetic sound of the heels hitting the floor. The costume in this shot symbolises glamour which contrasts with the genre of the film. This is interesting because a new representation of dangerous women must be being developed in the media industry. The first few shots in the trailer are at low angles and the rest of the trailer are either close ups or medium shots apart from the long shots that show locations. For example, the first view of the wedding venue is a long shot. So are the shots of the sea and the beach which is shown a couple of times throughout the trailer. A rule of thirds is created in the second shot in the trailer when the woman opens the door to reveal light directly on her, with the black doors on either side of her. I also like the close up on the envelope as this is an important prop in the movie.

At 1:09, the camera moves from behind Edward's neck to reveal Bella's facial expression. I really like this technique because it builds tension which is emphasised with a sudden blast of loud sound.

I noticed whilst watching the trailer, whenever it is showing the positives in the film fades between shots are used but when things go bad and there is action, cuts are used. This starts at 0:39 when Jacob starts getting angry because he sees the wedding invitation. Another editing technique is when something important happens in the trailer, it quickly cuts to a black screen. This builds tension and gives the audience a chance to take in the information given.

There is no voice over in the trailer. Only text on the screen is used and some character speech is shown to give some of the storyline away.

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