Thursday 13 October 2011

Like Crazy Trailer 2 Official (HD)

This trailer has a target audience of females which is proven through all of the film aspects - music, dialogue, mise-en-scene etc. It is a romantic film with no action or violence in it like Twilight. The opening song is 'Dead Hearts' by Stars which is romantic so that the audience watching knows immediately the genre of movie it is. When things start to go wrong in the trailer, there is a drop in the music with a few piano notes which soon develops into a new song called 'Can't help falling in love with you'. So throughout the trailer there is sad and romantic music to support the genre and target audience.

There isn't much variety in shot distances. There are so many close ups and medium shots used throughout the trailer which I like because it captures the facial expressions and body gestures towards the characters which is important in a romantic movie. There are long shots on locations such as the important shot of London and other places filmed. Quick cuts are used at the beginning of the trailer to quickly get the audience's understanding of their relationship and what they have been through. In terms of shot transactions, fades between shots are used to emphasise a sad and touching situation - it wouldn't have the same affect if it had quick cuts. Ellipses is used in the middle of the trailer when there are quick cuts of the couple in bed. Each cut shows them in different outfits and positions to suggest time going on.

The lighting is generally realistic and bright, especially on the female character. The settings and mise-en-scene is all romantic and cosy - a typical romance genre.

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