Thursday 13 October 2011

The Notebook Movie Trailer [HD]

This trailer presents a utopia world at the beginning of the trailer to symbolise the love towards the two characters. The background music throughout the whole trailer is classical with sounds of piano and violins to suit the love theme. The narrator at the beginning of the trailer is the character in the actual movie telling the story so this has been used as a voiceover in the trailer. Soft lighting is used throughout to suggest utopia and love. The trailer appeals to women but there is one shot of a war scene which can appeal to males. A link that I am finding with these romantic genre trailers is that they all show a shot of war scenes. This is a link used to perhaps attract both genders, but I won't be using any war clips in my trailer. At the end of the trailer, "The Notebook" appears at the end on a screen with a whole notebook theme. This includes italic text, the page lines and echoed text with different opacities.

TITANIC 3D Trailer 2012

The beginning of the trailer has a dystopia affect, due to its mise-en-scene and dark lighting. This catches the male attention at the beginning of the trailer. The same style of egyptian, disturbing music is played throughout which builds tension and has a quick spark of sound on certain shots - like when Rose and Jack hold hands and when the text comes up on the screen. The text is presented in white against a black background which is minimalistic. Right at the end of the trailer, there is a voiceover of the speech from the movie which sums up the storyline and would help the audience conclude their opinion on the trailer.

Prezi can be used to make presentations but in a much more modern and creative way. I may consider using this during my project.

Love Distrust Official Trailer

This trailer has quite a dark romantic theme, rather than connotations of a typical romance movie. The lighting is generally dark, as is the background non-diegetic music which is the same piano song throughout. The music is rather spooky and builds tension with the audience as they watch. The beginning of the trailer includes quick faded cuts of scenes from the movie so that the audience get a feel of what it is about. The captions and shots shown don't give much away about the movie. However, with words like "longing, loneliness, hope, love" that come up on the screen, the audience receive connotations of a sad love story. So the captions would appeal to females, whilst the dark side to the story would also appeal to males. There seems to be a mix of characters - some are ordinary looking whilst others have more of a specific persona to them. For example, there is one particular gothy girl who looks quite scary wearing black. The trailer seems to be more about the actors themselves than the actual story as half of the trailer is filled up with shots of the actors and their names.

My trailer is going to contrast with Love Distrust because my story is fully romantic with no dark side and it will be about the story rather than the characters.

Like Crazy Trailer 2 Official (HD)

This trailer has a target audience of females which is proven through all of the film aspects - music, dialogue, mise-en-scene etc. It is a romantic film with no action or violence in it like Twilight. The opening song is 'Dead Hearts' by Stars which is romantic so that the audience watching knows immediately the genre of movie it is. When things start to go wrong in the trailer, there is a drop in the music with a few piano notes which soon develops into a new song called 'Can't help falling in love with you'. So throughout the trailer there is sad and romantic music to support the genre and target audience.

There isn't much variety in shot distances. There are so many close ups and medium shots used throughout the trailer which I like because it captures the facial expressions and body gestures towards the characters which is important in a romantic movie. There are long shots on locations such as the important shot of London and other places filmed. Quick cuts are used at the beginning of the trailer to quickly get the audience's understanding of their relationship and what they have been through. In terms of shot transactions, fades between shots are used to emphasise a sad and touching situation - it wouldn't have the same affect if it had quick cuts. Ellipses is used in the middle of the trailer when there are quick cuts of the couple in bed. Each cut shows them in different outfits and positions to suggest time going on.

The lighting is generally realistic and bright, especially on the female character. The settings and mise-en-scene is all romantic and cosy - a typical romance genre.


As a big fan of romantic films, the Twilight Saga is one of my favourites. However, this romance has a twist by having a violence storyline which broadens their target audience to males aswell as females. The dark music, lighting and setting all work towards the idea of appealing to the male gender. The colour palette throughout the trailer is very neutral and dark using colours such as browns, blacks and whites to signify its dark and mysterious attitudes. The text that is presented on the screen has a black background with a red font which symbolises blood and danger so immediately we get connotations of an action/horror film but because this is the fourth film in the series, they can get away with this with their audience who like the romance side of the movie.

The first shot in the trailer is my favourite. It is a close up shot of a female walking down an echoing corridor in black heels with enhanced diegetic sound of the heels hitting the floor. The costume in this shot symbolises glamour which contrasts with the genre of the film. This is interesting because a new representation of dangerous women must be being developed in the media industry. The first few shots in the trailer are at low angles and the rest of the trailer are either close ups or medium shots apart from the long shots that show locations. For example, the first view of the wedding venue is a long shot. So are the shots of the sea and the beach which is shown a couple of times throughout the trailer. A rule of thirds is created in the second shot in the trailer when the woman opens the door to reveal light directly on her, with the black doors on either side of her. I also like the close up on the envelope as this is an important prop in the movie.

At 1:09, the camera moves from behind Edward's neck to reveal Bella's facial expression. I really like this technique because it builds tension which is emphasised with a sudden blast of loud sound.

I noticed whilst watching the trailer, whenever it is showing the positives in the film fades between shots are used but when things go bad and there is action, cuts are used. This starts at 0:39 when Jacob starts getting angry because he sees the wedding invitation. Another editing technique is when something important happens in the trailer, it quickly cuts to a black screen. This builds tension and gives the audience a chance to take in the information given.

There is no voice over in the trailer. Only text on the screen is used and some character speech is shown to give some of the storyline away.