Thursday 15 December 2011

Looking At Ancillary Tasks

My ancillary tasks are a magazine cover and a poster.

ancillary task - media magazines
movie scope
sight and sound
screen international

My favourite magazine covers are by Aesthetica as they incorporate a sense of fashion and concentrate on appealing to the female gender. I want to appeal to females with my trailer so taking inspiraion from this magazine might be a good idea. The logo is simple but stands out in a clear, white box at the top of the page. There is also a border around the image which makes the magazine cover unique. Hardly any text, if any, is situated on top of the image which makes it more media like as rather than it looking like a magazine full of content, it’s more about images. Here are some examples of my favourite magazine covers by Aesthetica:

The magazine, Movie Scope's covers focuses more on portraying portraiture images of actors and actresses. Again, Movie Scope’s logo is in a white box at the top of the page with a white border around the image. But Movie Scope’s logo is partnered with text about the content of the magazine and the barcode, whereas Aesthetica is kept alone with a tiny bit of writing alongside it which I prefer. The text on the image is kept quite minimal just to add a bit of information about its content to attract the audience. My favourite magazine covers by Movie Scope:

Sight and Sound magazine covers focus more on images of actual characters from movies, rather than the actor being themselves. The logo is very bold and eye catching, similar to Aesthetica and Movie Scope - it is presented in a text box to separate from the image. Text is mainly white but picks up a bit of colour from the image.

Screen International’s logo is again, presented in a box on its own with no text within. The text on their magazine covers are kept to a minimum with the images being payed the most attention. The colour palette on both images is mainly red and black - a simple, yet eye catching colour palette to have to stand out on a magazine rack. On the second magazine, I like the edited letter with images within them - this is unique and affective.

I would quite like to name my magazine something media based but spelt in a different language. Here are some of my ideas:
- La Voix (The Voice)
- Whisper
- La Verite (The Truth)
- Expression
- Vox (voice in latin)
- A Diem (an anagram of media but also means "of the day" in latin)
- C'est la vie (that's life in French - I think this is a nice phrase to have and is often used in society)

Here are some logo designs:

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