Thursday 7 July 2011

A Reflection On Current Media Events & The Impact On My Work

News of the World phone hacking is a big issue in the media industry at this moment in time. This may have impact on my products. Although the News of the World is a newspaper, it may affect the magazine industry aswell as they are the same publishing, journalism products. Film reviews won't be able to be used in magazines to advertise my movie, posters won't be able to be used in magazines which decreases the choice of location when putting up posters for the movie. And the magazine cover won't be able to be used if magazines are being closed down due to phone hacking. Even if magazines don't stop being published, it will still have an impact because if people are resigning, there will be problems with the reputation of the magazine and people may not purchase it.

The prices of downloads and mobile phone minutes and messaging are all decreasing. This will put a positive impact on my movie because people may wish to download my movie trailer, poster or magazine cover. They are more likely to do this now since the prices are decreasing.

Indication of Relationship Between Main & Ancillary Products.

Both the main task and the ancillary tasks are all to advertise a new and upcoming movie. After completing the teaser trailer, I will duplicate the design, colour scheme, characters etc. into the magazine cover and poster to keep the theme within the movie's documents. For example, the movie may have its own personal colour scheme or set design that can be retained onto all of the products. So this is my intention when producing the products for my movie. This will indicate a relationship between the main and ancillary products.

How is my product research to be carried out?

I am going to research different romantic movie trailers and take notes on the setting, lighting, colour palette, camera shots and angles, editing etc. so that I can find out what is the most popular techniques to use for a romantic movie trailer.

With my focus group, I will be asking them questions about the techniques used in trailers to see what would appeal to them most and what will draw them in if they were watching a romantic trailer, and making the decision to watch the movie or not.

How is my audience research to be carried out?

I will be holding auditions for the main characters in my teaser trailer. The genre will be romance so I need actors who are serious about their career and will be willing to be mature about the acting. I will have a focal group of people who enjoy watching romantic films such as Dear John, Titanic and The Notebook. They will answer some questions that I will come up with in order to produce a teaser trailer, magazine cover and poster that will appeal to my target audience.

I have chosen this genre of film because it is what I like to watch best myself so I feel my creativeness will come out the best with something that I am passionate about rather than making a horror trailer but not being particularly interested in horrors.

Females (not trying to appeal to men)
12+ (Have decided my movie to be a 12+ certificate because there will be no swearing, strong sexual references or violence etc.)
Are inspired and enjoy watching romance and relationships on television
Low class/middle class

Practical Advance Production/Portfolio

For my A2 Coursework I will be producing a teaser trailer for a new and upcoming romantic movie. My ancillary tasks will be a magazine cover and a poster to promote the movie.

I have chosen a teaser trailer because it's a big step from AS and I would learn more about the film side to media, as at AS all I worked on was print media. But I can also develop my print skills through the ancillary tasks which is why I have chosen a magazine cover and a poster.